Home-style Bauletto bun

Home-style Bauletto bun

330 g  | Bottega Broletto

Soft sweet bun made with dairy butter and starter, left to rise for 48 hours, without any added preservatives. The bun is covered with a very sweet almond and sugar icing. A true sweet speciality “made in the slow way”.



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Soft sweet bun made with dairy butter and starter, left to rise for 48 hours, without any added preservatives. The bun is covered with a very sweet almond and sugar icing. A true sweet speciality “made in the slow way”.

INGREDIENTI: farina, burro, acqua, tuorlo, zucchero, lievito madre, sale e aromi. Il prodotto può contenere tracce di frutta a guscio, soia. Peso: 330g. Conservare in luogo fresco e asciutto. Prodotto da BOTTEGA BROLETTO SAS di Benetti R. & C VIA BROLETTO 1/A - 42121 REGGIO EMILIA