Parmigiano Reggiano DOP only Italian Pezzata Rossa - Mountain Product - Organic - aged 24 months

Parmigiano Reggiano DOP only Italian Pezzata Rossa - Mountain Product - Organic - aged 24 months

500 g ca. | Colline di Cigarello e Canossa

Parmigiano Reggiano DOP made exclusively from Italian red-breed cows aged over 24 months, vacuum-packed, is produced only with organic mountain milk from a single breed, the red-breed cow, which is rustic and resistant and produces excellent quality milk, rich in proteins and fats.



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Product info

Parmigiano Reggiano DOP made only with the milk of Italian Pezzata Rossa cows is a high-quality cheese. The cows come from a single farm, located in the pristine hills of the Reggio Emilia Apennines, which maintains high standards of animal welfare and only raises animals registered in the genealogical book of this breed.

Certified organic , the Parmigiano Reggiano obtained from this milk also has the “Solo di Pezzata Rossa Italiana” mark, issued by the National Association of Italian Pezzata Rossa Cattle Breeders (ANAPRI). The cheese is produced in a single mountain dairy, the Colline del Cigarello e Canossa dairy, the only one to produce this niche Italian specialty.

INGREDIENTI: LATTE BIOLOGICO, sale, caglio Peso: 0,500 kg ca. Distributore: Romani Silvano srl Via Paradigna, 169 – 43122 Parma ITALIA Conservazione: Conservare a +2°/+8°C Valori nutrizionali medi per 100g: Energia 1671 kJ - 402 kcal ; Grassi 30g di cui Acidi grassi saturi 20g ; Carboidrati 0 g ; Proteine 32 g ; Sale 1,2 g