Organic Acacia Honey

Organic Acacia Honey

250 g  | Casa Pietra

Casa Pietra acacia honey is a monofloral organic honey, which maintains the nutritional and health properties of this extraordinary product because it is raw, that is, it is not subjected to pasteurization or heat treatments and is produced by bees raised in full respect of their well-being, respecting local biodiversity.



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The Casa Pietra company is an agricultural company that uses solar energy and favors local distribution at KM0;

boasts 40 years of beekeeping activity, with careful selection of honeycombs during processing, slow maturation, manual bottling and refinement at a controlled temperature.

Acacia honey is obtained from Robinia pseudoacacia, a plant belonging to the Mimosa family.

It is from its flowers, when pollinated by bees, that this type of honey is obtained, with a vaguely floral scent and a sweet flavour, always very light in colour, which also guarantees its purity.

It sometimes varies from straw yellow to amber and has the characteristic of practically never crystallizing, so it always has a liquid and syrupy consistency.

Its aroma is flowery and delicate and its flavour is rather sweet but delicate, which is why it is well suited to cold preparations because it does not cover the other flavours.

It does not contain gluten, so it is ideal for celiacs.

It is very digestible and can also be consumed by diabetics, due to its low content of complex sugars and high percentage of fructose.

Caratteristiche Colore da chiaro, quasi incolore, a paglierino.

Sapore: delicatissimo, leggermente vanigliato

Conservare il prodotto lontano dai raggi diretti del sole e da fonti di calore, in un ambiente fresco ed asciutto cercando di evitare forti sbalzi termici.

Utilizzo in cucina: Dolcificante di bevande, yogurt, frutta (non altera il sapore degli alimenti);

accostato a formaggi erborinati.

Prodotto da Casa Pietra apicoltura, Loc San Vittore - 43039 Salsomaggiore Terme - PR