Amarescata is an extra jam of Marasca cherries. Prepared according to an ancient recipe of the century-old tradition, Amarescata Luxardo is ideal for the preparation of tarts and baked desserts.
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Free Shipping - For orders over 200€ (up to 25Kg)
Free Shipping - For orders over 200€ (up to 25Kg)
Amarescata is an extra jam of Marasca cherries. Prepared according to an ancient recipe of the century-old tradition, Amarescata Luxardo is ideal for the preparation of tarts and baked desserts.
A fine organic bitter orange marmalade: a handcrafted delight with a fluid consistency that spreads easily.
Made using whole organic bitter oranges, this jam is enriched with peels and small pieces of fruit, providing a rich and full-bodied tasting experience.
INGREDIENTI: Arance 50%, zucchero d’uva, succo di limone.
Il prodotto, se conservato in luogo fresco e asciutto al riparo dalla luce solare diretta, nelle confezioni originali chiuse, mantiene inalterate le proprie caratteristiche per 24 mesi dalla data di produzione. Una volta che hai aperto il vasetto, conservalo in frigorifero tra 0 e 4°C e consumalo entro pochi giorni.
PRODOTTO DA: BIOGELART SRL via Caduti del Lavoro 5, 48012 Bagnacavallo (RA)
Buzzonaglia of Carloforte red tuna in olive oil, entirely hand-worked
Chocolate chip biscuits, handmade
These whole white head Porcini mushrooms in oil in 200 g are perfect for your starters, or served with Parma salami or tasty side dishes.
Fig sauce with Modena IGP balsamic vinegar, the ideal accompaniment for tasty mature cheeses.
Dried porcini mushrooms in 80 g sachets, ideal for use in the preparation of delicious starters, risottos or professional creams. Special type, to be eaten cooked only.
These sliced white head Porcini mushrooms are perfect for your starters, or served with Parma salami or tasty side dishes.
A rustic vegetable sauce, enriched with parsley and the flavour of green celery. Excellent with boiled beef, eggs and anchovies, also good with boiled potatoes, soft-rind cheeses, robiola or fresh goat's cheese.
Fresh onions in balsamic vinegar.
3 Gold Medals, this vinegar is in memory of the ancestor who invented the recipe at the beginning of the twentieth century. It is made with musts from ripe and dried grapes.
Only top quality raw materials, selected directly from local or Italian farmers, are used for these mustards: ingredients that do not require, in the transformation, the addition of preservatives, thickeners and antioxidants.
These whole black head Porcini mushrooms in oil in 200 g are perfect for your starters, or served with Parma salami or tasty side dishes.
Only top quality raw materials, selected directly from local or Italian farmers, are used for these mustards: ingredients that do not require, in the transformation, the addition of preservatives, thickeners and antioxidants.
Condiment with Balsamic Vinegar of Modena IGP. Its density of 1.31 makes this condiment ideal with meat and cheeses.
Classic hand-made biscuits
Condiment with Balsamic Vinegar of Modena IGP. Its density of 1.31 makes this condiment ideal with meat and cheeses.
Vialone nano rice is the traditional rice of the Veronese plain: ideal for creamy risottos, because it releases a lot of starch during cooking.
Cooking time: 16 - 18 minutes.