Balsamic Vinegar IGP Dodi Family 250ml

Balsamic Vinegar IGP Dodi Family

300 ml  | Silvano Romani

Ideal if used raw as a condiment for boiled meats and sauces. It pairs delicately with fish, meat and cheese (excellent on flakes of Parmigiano Reggiano). A unique complement to fruit salads, ice creams, creams and zabaglione.



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Product info

Balsamic Vinegar IGP Dressing by the Dodi Family, in the 250ml format. Ideal if used raw as a dressing for boiled meats and sauces. It delicately pairs with fish, meat and cheeses (excellent on flakes of Parmigiano Reggiano) A unique complement for fruit salads, ice creams, creams and zabaglione

Ingredienti: Mosto cotto d’uva

Allergeni: solfiti

Peso: 100 ml

Produzione: Mosto d’uva cotto invecchiato per almeno 25 anni in botti di legni diversi,  imbottigliato e tappato (tappo legato e fissato con ceralacca manualmente)

Conservazione: Conservare a temperatura ambiente con tappo chiuso

Scadenza: 10 anni