Artichoke hearts with garlic and parsley in olive oil
Free Shipping - For orders over 200€ (up to 25Kg)
Free Shipping - For orders over 200€ (up to 25Kg)
Free Shipping - For orders over 200€ (up to 25Kg)
The sweetness and smooth texture of this fig preserve is enhanced by the flavour of Modena IGP balsamic vinegar, making it the ideal accompaniment for tasty mature cheeses.
Ingredienti: fichi, zucchero, aceto balsamico di Modena
Formati disponibili:
120 GR
220 GR
Scadenza: Da consumarsi entro 4 anni
Produttore: LE TAMERICI S.R.L.
Via Quarantore, 40 – 46030 S.Biagio di Bagnolo S.Vito (MN)
Conservazione: Da conservare a temperatura ambiente dai 10° - 20° in luogo fresco e asciutto.
1.11 +/- 0,2 |
GRASSI % Di cui saturi |
< 0.1 +/- 0,2 < 0.1 +/- 0,2
CARBOIDRATI % Di cui zuccheri |
46.4 +/- 5 44.7 +/- 5 |
Sale |
< 0.01 |
Equivalente calorico |
180 Kcal/100g 753 Kj/100g |
Artichoke hearts with garlic and parsley in olive oil
The charm of these delicious anchovies is the secret recipe of the sauce, which is prepared a few times a year and which has been passed down orally from father to son since 1906.
3 Gold Medals, this vinegar is in memory of the ancestor who invented the recipe at the beginning of the twentieth century. It is made with musts from ripe and dried grapes.
Ideal if used raw as a condiment for boiled meats and sauces. It pairs delicately with fish, meat and cheese (excellent on flakes of Parmigiano Reggiano). A unique complement to fruit salads, ice creams, creams and zabaglione.
Soft sweet bun made with dairy butter and starter, left to rise for 48 hours, without any added preservatives. The bun is covered with a very sweet almond and sugar icing. A true sweet speciality “made in the slow way”.
Antipasto Ricco with artichokes, chiodino mushrooms, sweet peppers and pitted olives in olive oil
Extra strawberry jam, 100% organic, no added pectin. Total fruit used: 100 g
Only top quality raw materials, selected directly from local or Italian farmers, are used for these mustards: ingredients that do not require, in the transformation, the addition of preservatives, thickeners and antioxidants.
Crispy, gentle, fresh and sweet and sour pickled vegetable Giardiniera, ready to taste as a side dish, matched with wine and suitable for tasting all year round.
3 Gold Medals, this vinegar is in memory of the ancestor who invented the recipe at the beginning of the twentieth century. It is made with musts from ripe and dried grapes.
Lentils of Castelluccio di Norcia
Lentigione Zucca Plum Preserve Without Added Sugar
Soft sweet bun made with dairy butter and starter, left to rise for 48 hours, without any added preservatives. The bun is covered with a very sweet almond and sugar icing. A true sweet speciality “made in the slow way”.
Extra apricot jam, 100% organic, no added pectin. Total fruit used: 100 g
A quality condiment, aged for at least twelve years in barrels rich in history and aromas. Traditional Reggio Emilia Balsamic Vinegar is guaranteed by the Protected Denomination of Origin mark. Try the pronounced acidity of the Bollino Aragosta variety.
Extra berry jam, 100% organic, no added pectin. Total fruit used: 100 g for 100 g of jam