Dried porcini mushrooms in 80 g sachets, ideal for use in the preparation of delicious starters, risottos or professional creams. Special type, to be eaten cooked only.
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Free Shipping - For orders over 200€ (up to 25Kg)
Free Shipping - For orders over 200€ (up to 25Kg)
Dried porcini mushrooms in 80 g sachets, ideal for use in the preparation of delicious starters, risottos or professional creams. Special type, to be eaten cooked only.
These sliced white head Porcini mushrooms are perfect for your starters, or served with Parma salami or tasty side dishes.
The porcini mushroom cream, typically used in Italian cooking and a tradition in our area, is a flavoured and gentle sauce to please your palate.
Meaty, flavoursome and delicious, these sliced black head Porcini mushrooms are a starter fit for connoisseurs. The perfect accompaniment for richly flavoured dishes. Extraordinary served with typical Parma salami, together with some home made bread. Sliced and ready to serve.
Ingredienti: Funghi porcini (boletus edulis e relativo gruppo) 75%,
Olio di oliva 25%, aceto di vino (contiene solfiti) sale, spezie.
Peso netto 200 g 212 ml
Scadenza: Da consumarsi preferibilmente entro il: 24 mesi dalla data di produzione
Produttore: da Sottobosco Valtaro s.r.l.
Via Caduti del lavoro, 38 – 43043 Borgo Val di Taro (PR)
Conservazione: Dopo l'apertura conservare in frigorifero.
Valore energetico Kj 308
Kcal 75
Grassi g 3,4
Di acidi grassi saturi g 3,9
Carboidrati g 1,2
Di cui zuccheri g 0,9
Fibre g 3,8
Proteine g 3,4
Sale g 2,6
These whole black head Porcini mushrooms in oil in 200 g are perfect for your starters, or served with Parma salami or tasty side dishes.
These sliced white head Porcini mushrooms are perfect for your starters, or served with Parma salami or tasty side dishes.
These whole white head Porcini mushrooms in oil in 200 g are perfect for your starters, or served with Parma salami or tasty side dishes.
Artichoke hearts with garlic and parsley in olive oil
Giardiniera in chunks contains a mouthwatering mixture of chunky vegetables, enriched with celery, Borettana onions, purple onions and green beans and preserved in extra virgin olive oil and sunflower oil. Excellent with traditional salamis and oily fish.
Chiodini mushrooms in olive oil, for appetisers or to accompany grilled meats.
Fresh onions in extra virgin olive oil.
Net weight: 200 g
This well-balanced sauce is made with cauliflower, carrot, sweet pepper, fennel and onion, turnip and red chard, with ginger and a touch of fresh chilli.
It's ideal with white meats, cooked sausages and cotechino and goes well with gourmet sandwiches and burgers.
A rustic vegetable sauce, enriched with parsley and the flavour of green celery. Excellent with boiled beef, eggs and anchovies, also good with boiled potatoes, soft-rind cheeses, robiola or fresh goat's cheese.
Gourmet Giardiniera with onion and celery, contains hand-cut vegetables, cooked separately and pickled in sweet and sour for 10 days before being preserved in olive oil. Great with meat and fish dishes, but even better with traditional cheeses and salamis.
Fresh onions in balsamic vinegar.
Sun-dried tomatoes in olive oil with aromatic herbs.
Crispy, gentle, fresh and sweet and sour pickled vegetable Giardiniera, ready to taste as a side dish, matched with wine and suitable for tasting all year round.
Artichoke hearts with garlic and parsley in olive oil
The vegetable sauce is a rustic vegetable puree with celery, white onion and purple onion, gently cooked in oil.
Try it with boiled meats, grilled pork, cooked cold cuts, sandwiches and appetizers.
This sweet and sour preparation is very rich and tasty because it collects all the goodness and aromas of the vegetables.