Amarescata is an extra jam of Marasca cherries. Prepared according to an ancient recipe of the century-old tradition, Amarescata Luxardo is ideal for the preparation of tarts and baked desserts.
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Free Shipping - For orders over 200€ (up to 25Kg)
Amarescata is an extra jam of Marasca cherries. Prepared according to an ancient recipe of the century-old tradition, Amarescata Luxardo is ideal for the preparation of tarts and baked desserts.
A mix of intense flavors and an inviting purple color. Carefully prepared using whole organic berries, each spoon is enriched with the characteristic seeds and small pieces of fruit. It is naturally: vegan, lactose-free and gluten-free.
In addition to the fruit, there is grape sugar, as a sweetener, and lemon juice, which further enhances the flavor and provides advantages in processing and preserving the product.
No preservatives or thickeners are used.
INGREDIENTI: Frutti di bosco, zucchero d’uva, succo di limone.
Il prodotto, se conservato in luogo fresco e asciutto al riparo dalla luce solare diretta, nelle confezioni originali chiuse, mantiene inalterate le proprie caratteristiche per 24 mesi dalla data di produzione. Una volta che hai aperto il vasetto, conservalo in frigorifero tra 0 e 4°C e consumalo entro pochi giorni.
PRODOTTO DA: BIOGELART SRL via Caduti del Lavoro 5, 48012 Bagnacavallo (RA)
Dark chocolate cream.
Extra apricot jam, 100% organic, no added pectin. Total fruit used: 100 g
Trentino recipe with nettle sprouts and smoked bacon in chunks, in a soft savory béchamel. Ideal for seasoning pasta, lasagna, for filling savory pies and for preparing crostoni.
A soft pistachio cream to spread or enjoy as a dessert with a spoon
Felicetti pasta is made from uncontaminated organic crops, high altitude spring water, with processes that respect the deep integrity of the raw material.
This cream made of chick-pea and summer black truffle revives one of the most traditional ingredients of Italian country cooking.
Extra fig jam, 100% organic, no added pectin. Total fruit used: 100 g per 100 g of jam.
3 Gold Medals, this vinegar is in memory of the ancestor who invented the recipe at the beginning of the twentieth century. It is made with musts from ripe and dried grapes.
Aldo's Pasta is handcrafted and reflects the ways of the authentic housewives of the Marche, who with rhythm and heart transform the raw materials with precious mastery.
Fresh onions in balsamic vinegar.
Wild boar ragù, ideal for seasoning pasta, lasagna or for preparing croutons.
Extra blueberry jam, 100% organic, no added pectin. Total fruit used: 100 g per 100 g of jam.
Characterized by a rich perfume and an agreeable and rounded acidity, the “Medaglia d’Argento” is an aromatic balsamic vinegar, enhancing the flavors of any dish with its intensity. In cuisine it can be used fresh or can be heated in cooking preparations.
Among the ingredients that make this sauce unique, two make it truly special: tomatoes, strictly datterini and beefsteak, and Agazàn extra virgin olive oil, produced by the same company, among the Ligurian hills, with a selection of Taggiasca olives from their oldest and highest olive groves.
It is a honey produced by bees, following the collection of pollen from the blackberry flower (blackberry), collected in June: delicious honey with a very delicate taste, slightly perfumed, with notes reminiscent of flowers, caramelized sugar, ripe fruit and jam. Ideal for breakfast or to combine with yogurt and dairy products.
It is traditionally considered the honey of resilience, because this stubborn plant manages to survive where many others have given up.
Bar of dark chocolate 60% with Italian roasted almonds.