Fresh tagliatelle

Fresh tagliatelle

250 g  | Silvano Romani

Fresh Tagliatelle are egg pasta, to be enjoyed with a meat sauce, a vegetable sauce or even just butter and parmesan. They are pasteurized and packaged in a protective atmosphere.



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Product info

Fresh Tagliatelle are the classic Sunday egg pasta in Emilia. To be enjoyed with a meat sauce, a vegetable sauce or even just butter and parmesan. They are pasteurized and packaged in a protective atmosphere. They are made according to Silvano Romani's recipe and produced in his artisan laboratory. They last about 30 days from the date of production.

INGREDIENTI : farina di frumento,semola di grano duro, uova, può contenere tracce di senape

Prodotto pastorizzato confezionato in atmosfera protettiva. Senza aggiunta di coloranti e conservanti.

Conservare  in frigorifero a +4°C e consumare entro 3 gg dalla apertura.

Peso netto  250 g. Prodotto da Silvano Romani, Via Monte Molinatico, 10/A Parma Italia