Recipes with Parmigiano Reggiano

Here you have 10 recipes based on Parmigiano Reggiano in order to amaze your guests:

Cream of Parmigiano Reggiano

The perfect combination for a fresh and at the same time savoury oil dip with seasonable vegetables, but also in order to spice a dish of pasta or in order to create croutons to offer as happy hour.

200 grammes Parmigiano Reggiano
115 grammes cream
100 grammes whole milk
1 pinch of black pepper

You have to put on the stove a pot with milk and cream and then you have to mix well up to the blend is completely dissolved.
Then you have to pour Parmigiano Reggiano, keeping on mixing in order to get a smooth and without clumps cream. Then you have to add black pepper and leave to cool the blend, mixing every now and then. Remember to leave the cream to stand before dipping vegetables.

Source: Expo World Recipies

Fonduta of Parmigiano Reggiano

It is good and healthy because contrary to what is thought, if Parmesan is exposed to heat, it doesn’t lose its peculiarities.

Ingredients for 4 persons:
2 litres fresh whole milk
1 black truffle
400 grammes Parmigiano Reggiano 36 months
4 eggs
1 yolk
30 grammes butter

You have to grate Parmigiano Reggiano and soak it in milk. Then you have to leave it to macerate for at least 4 hours, break 4 eggs separating yolks from albumens and putting every yolk in four saucers.
When time of maceration is spent, you have to drain it. Secondly you have to warm up the container, where fonduta will be placed. Then you have to put together butter and leave it to completely dissolve.

When butter is melted, you have to add Parmesan with three spoons of its milk of infusion and constantly mix it up to cheese is completely melted.
So you have to add a yolk and mix it up to is totally absorbed, then put together another egg and so on, always waiting for that previous yolk will be well absorbed before adding the following.
If four yolks aren’t enough, you have to add the fifth yolk and finally you can pepper as you please. At the end you can serve it with croutons of toasts.

Source: Nonna Paperina

Crispbaskets of Parmigiano Reggiano

Small wafers of Parmigiano Reggiano are original “baskets” useful to serve single dose foods, that can easily be prepared in few minutes.
In these small wafers you can put any kind of salty food, such as salads and risotto, for a presentation really refined.
Moreover, you can produce wafers that can be flat or round, to use as frivolous combination instead of bread or as finger food for your happy hour or table of refreshment. To prepare them is really easy!

Ingredients for 6 wafers:
Parmigiano Reggiano 160 grammes

In order to prepare small wafers of Parmesan you have to begin with the support: cut stripes of parchment paper and obtain 6 squares of around 25 centimetres, so you have to arrange at the centre every of them an abundant spoon of Parmesan.
If you want, you can use the back of the spoon in order to stretch out the cheese and to shape a circle of 18-20 centimetres of diameter. Now you have to put every paper in a microware oven only for few seconds, at full power, until Parmesan will begin melting. If you don’t have the microware oven, you can use the traditional oven: you have to cook all at 180 degrees, for few minutes, until the edges of small wafers will begin taking an amber colour (if you stop to this passage, you will have produced some flat and round wafers and when they will be completely cooled, you have to remove the parchment paper and will be ready to be served).
In order to give to wafers the form of small bowl, it is essential that wafers are worked when they are still hot and malleable: it is a rather delicate passage because wafers are thin and easily risk to break. Then you have to take a round of cheese with its parchment paper and arrange it inside of a round or square small bowl, to quickly model it and squash the cheese to the bottom with the back of a spoon, until to achieve the shape you want; leave it to cool (if you desire you will get a tighter and extended form and you can achieve small wafers using as mould an overturned glass). At this point you can extract with sensibility the wafers from the bowl, remove the parchment paper and put it aside. Your small wafers of Parmesan are ready to be filled with what you prefer.

Source: Giallo Zafferano

Parmigiano Reggiano cookies

Parmesan cookies are an original idea for an happy hour at home, in fact they can be sprinkled with different herbs and spices in order to create many flavours.

Ingredients for 30 cookies:
125 grammes flour
90 grammes butter
100 grammes Parmesan
2 spoonful of water
1 pinch of bicarbonate

Firstly, you have to put the flour, butter, Parmesan and a pinch of bicarbonate in a bowl, then knead for some minutes and if the mixture is excessively granular, you can add 2 spoonfuls water. You have to work up to obtain a "block". Secondly, you have to spread a puff pastry on a thin countertop and you can prepare cookies with different shapes.
After you have to brush cookies with some milk and strew them with spices, aroma and dried fruit (for example pepper, rosemary, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, "finocchietto"and pine seeds). At the end you have to put the cookies into the oven, when it is already hot, and cook them for 10 minutes. You may leave them to cool down and then they are ready to be served for your happy hour!

Source: Misya

Chicken breast with Parmigiano Reggiano

Chicken breast with Parmigiano Reggiano is a quite different second course in order to change the usual menu, where chicken meat is often a protagonist, but it sometimes requests changes. In this recipe the taste of Parmigiano Reggiano is the protagonist and meat is filtered and fried in the butter.

600 grammes chicken breast (cut into slices)
2 albumens
200 grammes grated Parmesan
Pepper in grains
Firstly, you have to put Parmesan in a bowl and grind pepper.

Then you have to beat chicken breasts, so that they can be very thin. In order to do that, you can put the chicken breasts between two parchment papers because in this way the can't be broken.
Secondly, you have to slightly beat the albumens with a fork and put the slices of chicken with the albumens, and then with Parmesan and pepper.
Thirdly, when the butter is melted into a pan, you can add the slices of chicken breast and cook them for 3 minutes for every side with a medium flame, so that Parmesan can't burn.
At the end you have to drip meat on a cooking paper and dry them, and then they are ready to be served.

Source: Butta la pasta

Anolini of Silvano Romani

This is the most typical dish of Parma, a stuffed paste served in a broth during holidays and it includes all the taste of Emilian tradition.

For the paste:
1 kg flour
10 eggs
2 spoonfuls of extra virgin olive oil
20 grammes salt
For the filling:
3 hg beef
100 gr calf
100 gr pork meat
1 carrot
1 stem of celery
1 onion
2 cloves
1 slice of garlic
1 bay leaf
50 grammes of salt
1 litre water
200 grammes bread
300 grammes Parmigiano Reggiano 30 months
200 grammes Parmigiano Reggiano Vacche Brune
4 eggs

In order to prepare the filling, you have to boil it for 24 hours, but in two days, leaving meat to stand for some hours. When it is quite "limited", you have to sear in the ster 200 grammes grated bread, then mince meat and mix all.
Then you have to add 300 grammes Parmesan 30 months and 200 grammes Parmesan Vacche Brune, 400 eggs and nutmeg.
In order to prepare the egg pasta, you have to knead flour, eggs, water and salt, up to obtain an uniform pasta that should stand covered with a cloth or with the foil for 20 minutes.
Using a rolling pin or the specific machine, you have to draw the puff pastry with a thickness of 1-2 millimeters.
On the half of the puff pastry, you have to put the little balls of filling, with the measure of a hazelnut, at a distance of 3-4 cm.

Then you have to fold the other halves of the puff pastry, paying attention to the edges because they must overlap well and inside there must be no air that could cause the opening of the anolino during the cooking.
After you have to cut the anolini with the specific cutter or with a knife, if you want, you can use a small cup.
At the end you have to cook them in the broth for 5-6 minutes.

Source: Silvano Romani Parma

Flan of Parmigiano Reggiano

It is ideal as happy hour in order to whet one's appetite and also for dinners with friends.

Ingredients for 4 people:
90 g Parmigiano Reggiano
25 cl fresh cream
A teaspoon corn starch
2 eggs
salt and pepper

Firstly, you have to put the cream in a small pot and in another pot you have to melt fecula with a spoonful water and add cream, mixing in a slighty way.
Moreover, you can add salt, pepper and a sprinkle of nutmeg.
Then you have to put the small pot on fire and bring the content to the boil.
In the meantime you have to beat eggs and grated Parmigiano Reggiano.

When cream reaches its boiling, you can take it off the flame and add some cream to eggs and Parmigiano Reggiano, mixing very quickly in order to bring eggs to temperature.

Secondly, you have to leave the content to blend and then you can add the remaining cream and mix all.
When the mixture is ready, you can fill the moulds of aluminium.
Before pouring the mixture, you have to grease with some butter or with a spray, which is specific for the non-stick cooking.

Thirdly, you have to fill the moulds of aluminium with the Parmigiano Reggiano sauce, but you should leave 1 cm of space by the border.
At the end, you have to put the moulds in a baking tin with high borders: then you can add water, paying attention to not water the content, and put it in the oven at the temperature of 150 degrees for 20 minutes.

Source: Academia Barilla

Rolls with bresaola and Parmigiano Reggiano cream

It is a classic, which was revisited in a tasty and original way, for a savoury happy hour and for a fresh and light second course.

12 slices Bresaola
100 gr. Parmigiano Reggiano
200 ml. cream
Black pepper

You have to put grated Parmigiano Reggiano and cream in a small pot and leave it to slightly melt on a low flame up to obtain a cream. Then leave it to cool and put it on the slices of bresaola. After you can roll them up or close them as a package, put them on a dish as your creativity recommends.
Enjoy your meal!

Source: Petit Chef

Aubergine parmigiana

There are many regions that still contend the origin of this dish and nowadays Aubergine parmigiana is cooked and loved all over the world.

Ingredients for 6 people
1,2 kg large aubergine
1 onion
250 grammes mozzarella
70 grammes grated Parmigiano Reggiano
2 eggs
1/2 litre pulped tomatoes
1 garlic clove
oil (specific to fry)
extra virgin olive oil

Firstly, you have to wash the aubergines and cut them in slices with a thickness of 1/2 cm in the length way.Then put them in a colander with some salt among one layer and another and leave them to stand for one hour, up to they lose their vegetal water. After you have to squeeze, rinse and dry them.
In a pan you have to fry the onion, which was minced, and garlic with two spoonful olive oil, then you can add tomato, basil, salt, pepper and cook them for 15-20 minutes.

Secondly, you can fry the aubergines for the parmigiana, little by little, in abundant oil and lay them down on a cooking paper.

Then you have to cut the mozzarella into slices, cut the eggs and beat them with 1/3 of tomatoes sauce and add a pinch of salt.

Thirdly, you have to pour in a pan some sauce without the eggs and put a layer of aubergines. Then you have to add the sauce with eggs, 2 or 3 spoonfuls grated Parmesan, basil and slices of mozzarella.
You can keep on with the layers up to finish the ingredients, creating the last layer with the aubergines: at the end cover them with the tomatoes sauce without eggs.
Then you have to put Aubergine parmigiana in the oven at the temperature of 180° for 30 minutes. Leave it to stand for 2 hours and then you can serve Aubergine parmigiana.

Source: Sale e Pepe

Passatelli in broth

Passatelli in broth is a typical Emilian and from the Marches soup that is consumed in the winter period and during holidays.
Passatelli are big spaghetti with bread-crumbs, Parmesan, eggs and nutmeg, obtained by the potato-masher with big holes.

100 gr bread-crumbs
100 gr grated Parmigiano Reggiano
2 eggs with medium-big size
500 ml meat broth

In a tureen you have to mix bread-crumbs and Parmigiano Reggiano, and nutmeg, which you grate at that moment. Then you have to do a hole in the middle and remove the eggs shell.
Then you have to knead the ingredients up to obtain an uniform mixture that is quite soft. If it must appear too dry and granular and you used small eggs, you can add one more egg. In fact the mixture must be soft and solid, otherwise passatelli could break during the cooking.
You can put the content in a potato-masher with wide holes in order to obtain some cylinders that can be cut at a length equal to 4-5 cm.
At the end you have to boil passatelli for a minute and you can immediately serve them.

Source: Lo Spicchio d'Aglio