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Sun-dried tomatoes

Quality and Freshness

Guaranteed by Silvano Romani

Sun-dried tomatoes in olive oil with aromatic herbs.

Net weight: 200 g

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N.B: The weight of the product is guaranteed with a margin of variation of ±8 %. This will be compensated by greater quantities of other products in your cart.


Sun-dried tomatoes in olive oil with aromatic herbs, excellent as an appetiser or with aperitifs

INGREDIENTI: pomodori secchi, olio di semi di girasole, aceto di vino, sale, spezie e aromi naturali.

Conservare a temperatura ambiente: una volta aperta la confezione.

Prodotto da : Spina Sapori di Puglia - Prov.le per Manduria Km 1 72024 Oria (Brindisi) – Italia

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