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Chunky Giardiniera

Quality and Freshness

Guaranteed by Silvano Romani

Chunky Giardiniera contains a mouthwatering mixture of chunky vegetables, enriched with celery, Borettana onions, purple onions and green beans and preserved in extra virgin olive oil and sunflower oil. Excellent with traditional salamis and oily fish.

Net Weight: 580 gr

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N.B: The weight of the product is guaranteed with a margin of variation of ±8 %. This will be compensated by greater quantities of other products in your cart.


Chunky Giardiniera is colourful, rich and delicious. An extremely appetising mixture of chunky vegetables, enriched with celery, Borettana onions, purple onions and green beans. The vegetables are gently pickled in a distinctive spicy sweet and sour mix, then put into jars and covered with extra virgin olive oil and sunflower oil. Excellent with traditional salamis and oily fish.

Ingredienti: carote, peperoni rossi, peperoni gialli, cavolfiori, finocchi, cipolla bianca, sedano, cipollotto, cipolla viola, fagiolini, aceto, acqua, zucchero, sale, olio extra vergine d’oliva e olio di semi di girasole.

Allergeni: sedano (allergene dichiarato nell’allegato II del Reg. UE 1169/11)


Peso netto: 420 g ca.


Scadenza : da consumarsi preferibilmente entro il: 12 mesi dalla data di produzione

Produttore:  Cinque Sensi Srl

Via Pacinotti, 2 – 26034 Malo (VI)


Conservazione: Conservare il luogo fresco e al riparo da fonti di luce.

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