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Vegetable sauce

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This vegetable sauce is a rustic puré of vegetables with celery, white and purple onion, gently cooked in oil. Try it with boiled meats, grilled pork or sausages, sandwiches and snacks.

Net weight: 314 ml

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This vegetable sauce is a rustic puré of vegetables with celery, white and purple onion, gently cooked in oil to make a tasty accompaniment that's versatile and balanced.
Excellent with boiled meats, grilled pork or sausages. Also good in canapés, sandwiches, snacks, seafood salads and cooked pulses.

Ingredienti: carote, peperoni rossi, peperoni gialli, cavolfiori, finocchi, cipolla bianca, sedano, aceto, acqua, zucchero, sale, olio extra vergine d’oliva e olio di semi di girasole.

Allergeni: sedano (allergene dichiarato nell’allegato II del Reg. UE 1169/11)


Peso netto: 300 ga ca.


Scadenza: Da consumarsi preferibilmente entro 16 mesi dalla data di produzione

Produttore:  Cinque Sensi Srl

Via Pacinotti, 2 – 26034 Malo (VI)



Conservazione: Conservare il luogo fresco e al riparo da fonti di luce.

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